If you are involved in a vehicle accident in Atlanta, you have a duty under the law to stop. When you choose to continue on, you may be charged with and found guilty of hit-and-run. At a minimum, you are required to exchange identifying and insurance information with the other driver(s). In many cases, you are required to wait for law enforcement to release you from the scene.

When a person is involved in a car accident in Atlanta, you have the right to seek compensation from the person that is found to be at fault. You may be compensated for medical bills that you have already paid and those that you incur in the future. A victim is also entitled to obtain compensation for any wages that have been lost in the event that the victim was unable to return to work as a result of their injuries.

A person that is found to have left the scene of an accident can be criminally charged. If the victim is forced to seek compensation from their own insurance company, they may eventually sue the hit-and-run driver in civil court. Unfortunately, there are times that a hit-and-run driver cannot be located and the victim is forced to seek alternative methods for maintaining their financial status.

If you have been involved in a hit-and-run accident in Atlanta, a personal injury attorney can assist you in filing a lawsuit in civil court. Reach out to an experienced attorney to determine the appropriate steps to take.