Landlord negligence is a problem. When a landlord fails to protect their tenants by keeping properties maintained and secure, injuries can happen. When injuries do happen, the victim has the right to sue the landlord for damages.

Any time a tenant alerts a landlord to a hazard on the property, the landlord must make or arrange for repairs as soon as possible. In the case that hazards do not pose immediate dangers, tenants should be able to expect those repairs to be made within a reasonable amount of time.

When a tenant notices a hazard on a property, they should notify the landlord in writing. This establishes a timeline of events. Any verbal conversations should at least be documented. When a landlord does not make repairs, this timeline can be used as evidence in a civil suit. When a landlord fails to remedy a hazard on their property, they have breached their legal duties and can be held responsible.

Examples of negligence on behalf of a landlord include a failure to ensure there is adequate lighting, failure to keep walkways in good repair, and failure to maintain windows and roofs. When a tenant can prove that a landlord was negligent, they are able to recover damages for injuries that resulted due to the hazard.

Any person who has been injured on an Atlanta rental property should speak with an experienced attorney for assistance. An attorney can help a victim determine what type of compensation they may be entitled to for their injuries.