When you are involved in a truck accident, you may be feeling uncertain. You don’t know what to do next and you don’t know what will happen as you recover from injuries and begin to deal with settlement offers. When you and a truck collide in Atlanta, you can expect the case to take a typical course. Here is a brief outline.

  • Investigation

The first thing that will take place is an investigation into the accident. A personal injury attorney can initiate the investigation on your behalf, just as the insurance company of the at-fault party will be initiating their own investigation.

  • Filing a Lawsuit

The next thing your attorney will help you do is file a lawsuit in civil court. They will begin the process of discovery, gathering evidence to help prove your case.

  • Mediation

Mediation is the next step. This is an out-of-court process where all parties will meet and try to come to a settlement that is fair to everyone involved. In many cases, the opposing parties will be kept in different rooms and a mediator will act as a go between.

  • Trial

In the event that an agreement can be made, the case will move to trial. Both sides will present evidence and a jury or judge will deliberate and come to a decision. The decision is legally binding and must be abided to.

If you have been involved in a truck accident in Atlanta, reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney for assistance. An attorney will be able to advise you as to your legal options in Georgia.