When a passenger vehicle and a large truck are involved in an accident, the outcome can be devastating. In many cases, these accidents may even prove fatal due to the sheer power of the truck. While a vehicle collision can be caused by any number of factors, these accidents tend to have typical causes. These include:

  1. Changing lanes and improper merging. Passenger vehicles cutting in front of semi trucks can cause accidents quickly. A semi truck does not have the same stopping speed of a small vehicle.
  2. Passing in a way that is not safe. Drivers of passenger vehicles are urged not to pass semi trucks along curves or on hills. There should be a good deal of room to the sides and in front of the truck before a vehicle passes.
  3. Driving in the blind spot of a semi truck is dangerous. A semi truck has blind spots surrounding the vehicle and they are much larger than those found on a passenger vehicle.
  4. Failing to allow for wide turns is risky. A semi truck needs a large amount of space to be able to turn safely. When a passenger vehicle doesn’t respect this need, accidents can result.

Any person who is injured in a collision with a large truck in Atlanta should consult a personal injury attorney for assistance. Victims of these types of accidents have the right to seek compensation in civil court to recoup monies spent on medical bills and what has been lost de to the inability to return to work.