When a person is injured and the injury can be attributed to someone’s error or negligence, the victim may have the elements necessary for a personal injury case. In some cases, accidents are simply accidents and no one is to blame. In other instances, the way that a person behaves leads to the injury of others.

There are a variety of instances in which a personal injury case can result. For example, a person may be walking down the sidewalk and trip and fall over an uneven area. The property owner may be held legally liable for the victim’s injuries. In another instance, a person may be driving down the road and be struck by a reckless driver. If that person sustains injury or property damage, the reckless driver could be held liable.

Because there are so many types of personal injury, anyone who believes that they have been injured due to someone’s negligence or actions should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer. An attorney can assist a person in determining if they have the necessary elements for a successful personal injury case.

In any case, a victim must be able to prove that someone acted in a negligent way, that there was an accident as a result of that negligence, and that there was an injury as a result of that accident. Or, the person at fault must have acted with intent to injure. A victim must also be able to prove that they sustained damages as a result of their injury.

If you have been injured in Atlanta and believe someone else is to blame, consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.