Spinal cord injuries are common in the United States, particularly among men between the ages of 16 and 30. Most spinal cord injuries are the result of some form of risky behavior, although unfortunately, many of the most common reasons for spinal cord injuries are from behaviors that a lot of people commonly engage in.
For example, 35% of new spinal cord injuries every year were caused by an auto or motorcycle accident. An additional 9% of spinal cord injuries are caused by athletic activities like impact sports. Alcohol is a clear risk factor for spinal cord injuries with an association in one our of four accidents. Acts of violence, such as a gunshot wound, result in 15% of spinal cord injuries.
The second biggest demographic for spinal cord injuries are those aged 65 or older because diseases like cancer, osteoporosis, and arthritis can be a cause of an injury to the spine. Falls represent 25% of spinal cord injuries, with most of them happening to those over the age of 65.
An Atlanta personal injury attorney can provide more information about your legal rights after a spinal cord injury if it was caused by someone else’s actions or negligence.