Car Accidents in Georgia remain Top Killer of Children

Car accidents in Georgia remain the primary cause of death for all children in Georgia between the ages of 1 and 12. Many times, parents do everything they can to safeguard their children
and, unfortunately, bad outcomes still occur. However, child injuries and death during Georgia car accidents can be minimized or prevented by taking simple precautions. Amazingly, NHTSA–the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (the entity that regulates child safety seats)– reports that approximately 40% of kids who suffer terrible injuries or death during an auto collision are unrestrained or not restrained properly. Considering that car seats are over 70% effective at preventing injury to infants during a crash, parents must take the time to learn how to use the child safety seats effectively.
In Georgia, lawmakers have recognized the importance of child safety seats. Georgia law mandates that all children under 6 years old must ride in the backseat of a car. Importantly, it does not matter how tall the child is–he or she must ride in the backseat until over the age of 6. If there is no back seat in a vehicle, such as in some pick-up trucks, the child may ride in the front seat if he or she is properly restrained.
Children under 6 also must be in a child seat or booster seat which is suitable for the age and height. Pediatricians are good resources if parents have any questions.
Finally, many consumers’ reports are available on-line allowing parents to shop for, and more importantly, compare various child safety seats.