Where we started…and why it matters.

January 17, 2025
Andy Goldner

While the firm now focuses solely on serious injury and wrongful death cases, nearly 20 years ago, many smaller cases provided invaluable experience and rewarding results. To this day, many of these clients stay in touch with us, send holiday cards, and call from time to time to touch base. Many younger lawyers are in a rush to handle serious injury and complex cases, frequently missing wonderful opportunities to learn how to litigate the right way, forge relationships, and make a difference for people who need help. Some of our results from many years ago are listed below.

D.W. $145,000
Truck Collision / Back injury
Our client suffered an aggravation of a prior back injury after being hit by a commercial vehicle while driving his truck in Atlanta, Georgia. We were able to secure a substantial recovery for him without having to file a lawsuit.

M.K. $100,000
Car – Bike Collision / Orthopedic Injuries
Our client suffered numerous injuries after being struck by a distracted driver while riding her bike in Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia. We were able to secure a policy limits settlement for her without having to file a lawsuit.

R.S. $95,000
Car Collision / Torn Meniscus
Our client suffered a torn meniscus in her right knee as a result of a car accident. Her injury required surgical intervention. The defendant driver was inappropriately using a cell phone and negligently pulled in front of our client’s vehicle. While our client’s medical bills were less than $20,000, we were able to recover a substantial sum by proving the defendant’s cell phone use and documenting our client’s lost wages.

A.M. $90,000
Child in an auto accident with broken shoulder requiring surgery
Our client, an elementary school girl, was a passenger in a roll-over collision. She required surgery on her shoulder as a result of injuries suffered. Fortunately, she made a wonderful recovery. However, we were able to secure the child enough money to pay for her college education and provide for any future medical expenses that might arise.

C.J. $90,000
Client injured by a five gallon, glass water bottle that we alleged was improper for home/office use
Our client underwent two hand surgeries as a result of injuries suffered when a glass water bottle delivered to her office exploded in her hands. The client recovered, but missed a great deal of time from her job as a yoga instructor.

A.M. $90,000
Assault at apartment complex
Our client was assaulted at her apartment complex, which had no prior criminal history. However, we were able to show that then-existing security measures were insufficient.

A.C. $87,000
Child Burn Injury
Our client, a 3 year old girl from Dekalb County, suffered a serious facial burn at a kiosk at Perimeter Mall. The kiosk employee offered to demonstrate a curling iron on the child and, unfortunately, did not handle it appropriately. Prior to a lawsuit being filed, the defendants offered very little money to resolve the case. The defendants increased their offer by almost three hundred percent just prior to our law firm deposing representatives of the at-fault company. We were able to show that the pay and bonus structure of the kiosk company encouraged their employees to “push” sales of the product, even on young children.

S.D. $80,000
Medical malpractice, retained surgical sponge
Our client suffered a punctured lung during removal of a surgical sponge that was negligently left during abdominal surgery.

E.C. $65,000
Auto collision involving fatality of the at-fault driver
Our client and her family were returning to Atlanta, GA from Destin, FL. While driving outside Montgomery, AL, another motorist crossed over into the opposite lanes of traffic, causing a catastrophic collision. The at-fault driver died at the scene and our investigation revealed that she did not have any automobile insurance. Our client, a young child, only suffered abdominal bruising after being trapped in the car. However, we were able to show the insurance company examples of the child’s mental anguish, primarily the fear of traveling in cars, after her involvement in this fatality collision. While the at-fault driver did not have any insurance, we were able to identify a number of underinsured/uninsured motorist policies our client’s parents held with State Farm.

T.S. $65,000
Torn rotator cuff after fall from hotel van
Our client was thrown from a hotel van after the driver negligently accelerated the vehicle while she was attempting to board the van. Through investigation, we found other passengers on the van who testified that the van driver was acting in a reckless manner.

D.H. $60,000
Infant who suffered eye injury during automobile collision
We represented this minor child and his brother in connection with a very severe automobile collision, discussed above. The boy, like his brother, was seriously injured, but made a remarkable recovery. Through the use of a structured settlement, we secured enough money to pay for his college education while leaving sufficient money for any future health issue that might arise.

C.H. $60,000
Auto collision with commercial van
Our client had soft tissue injuries after a collision caused by a commercial van. Our client had pre-existing neck injuries and chiropractic treatment. However, through discovery we were able to show that the defendant van company placed a defective vehicle on the road, possibly resulting in punitive damage liability.

A.G. $58,625
Tractor-Trailer collision
Our client’s vehicle was rear-ended by a commercial driver employed by FedEx and driving a tractor-trailer in the Atlanta area. Our client suffered an exacerbation of a prior knee injury, requiring a diagnostic surgery.

A.S. $55,000
Car Accident / Spinal Compression Fracture
We represented a lady who suffered a compression fracture of her spine as a result of a high speed collision in Bartow County, Georgia. While our client did not require surgery to heal her fracture, she did undergo physical therapy and presented for numerous physicians’ visits. Allstate Insurance Company nearly doubled their pre-suit offer after we placed the case into litigation and, through investigation, were able to prove that the at-fault driver was a convicted felon.

J.B. $50,000
Tractor-Trailer collision
Our client’s vehicle was in a T-bone type collision, caused when a commercial driver pulled his truck in front of her car in Coweta County, Georgia. Our client suffered shoulder strain, requiring steroid injections from an orthopedic surgeon.

E.J. $50,000
Pro bono case
$50,000 recovered for our client, an infant, who was burned on the arm by scalding water at his day care. He suffered no permanent injury.