Tiger Roams Through Atlanta Neighborhood

Many people believe, and rightly so, that the only place to see a tiger is in a zoo. No one living in the United States expects to look out their window and see a jungle cat on their sidewalk or in their backyard. This is exactly what happened in Atlanta last week in an unusual string of events.
According to reports, Suzy the tiger was being transported by a company called Feld Entertainment. The company was transporting the tiger from Tampa to Memphis. The drivers decided to make an overnight stop in Georgia, checked on Suzy and laid down to rest. When they arrived in Tennessee the next day, they realized Suzy was missing.
It isn’t known how or when Suzy escaped her enclosure, only that she did and took a walk through a residential area of the city. Several people called 911 with reports of the tiger wandering the streets. One woman who called 911 witnessed the tiger attack her dog as soon as she hung up with dispatchers. Her small dachshund was able to get away from the tiger as police arrived on scene.
Police made the determination to use lethal force to subdue the wild animal. Because she had attacked a pet, Suzy was considered dangerous to the general public. She was killed and subsequently cremated. The dog escaped with a scratch.
An investigation into the incident remains open.
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