Polk County Chief Released from Hospital

When police officers make the headlines, it’s often in a bad way. The officers going above and beyond the call of duty rarely make headlines. Unfortunately, one such officer has made headlines, though not because of his actions.
According to reports, the chief of the Polk County Police was struck by a vehicle while performing a good deed. The chief was driving along Highway 278 when he saw a woman and a child walking down the road. He stopped to speak with the woman and little one and offered them a ride to where they were going.
The chief, according to a preliminary investigation, had his overhead lights activated while he was stopped. Despite this, another driver can along and struck the chief’s patrol car in the rear. The collision caused the patrol car off the road. The chief was taken to Redmond Regional Medical Center in Rome, Georgia and treated for minor injuries. The mother and child were uninjured in the accident.
Reports indicate that this accident came just days after the chief attended a funeral for one of his detectives. The female detective had been killed in the line of duty the week prior.
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