Dog Bites Passenger on Flight

June 16, 2017
Andy Goldner
An assistance dog is trained to aid or assist an individual with a disability

In a story that made national headlines, an emotional support dog bit a passenger in the face on a Delta flight originating in Atlanta. According to witnesses, the man sustained a bloody face due to injuries sustained in the bite. Crew rendered assistance to the man immediately. He was taken off the plane and to the hospital with “severe injury” to the face.

The mixed-breed dog was sitting in the middle seat with his owner. The victim of the bite was sitting in the window seat. Witnesses say that the dog had been growling at the victim, and the victim asked if the dog was going to bite him. He asked that question several times. It was not clear what had upset the dog or what caused the attack.

Local law enforcement responded to the scene and cleared the dog for a later flight. On that second flight, the dog was required to ride in a kennel. The dog was not permitted in the cabin of that flight. A witness to the incident said that the owner of the dog was holding it in his arms at the gate area, crying. The man was apparently fearful that the dog was going to be put down as a result of the attack.

It was not immediately reported what would, indeed, happen to the animal. It was also not reported how the victim had fared at the hospital or if he plans to file a lawsuit against either the dog’s owner or the airline.

If you have been bitten by a dog in Atlanta, you have rights as a victim. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and more. Call our office today and schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation. We will help you recover any damages you are entitled to.