Andrew Goldner Wins $5.5 Million in Settlements in Just Three Weeks

When you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit in Atlanta, you undoubtedly vet your potential attorney. There may be many things that factor into your decision making, not the least of which is their success in obtaining settlements. If that’s the case, Andrew Goldner should top your list. In a matter of three weeks, the Atlanta attorney won a total of $5.5 million in settlements.
Goldner credited both his limited caseload and the professionalism of opposing counsel in the cases. Two of the settlements involved accidents that occured just days apart in June. Goldner said, “When you have a practice that handles a small number of high-value cases, you’re able to aggressively push them.”
One case that Goldner was able to close involved an accident in which two victims were electrocuted and killed. The second case was settled in November. In that case, a wrongful death action, the defendants settled for $1,775,000. In the third case, another involving wrongful death, a young woman was killed in a vehicle collision. That case was settled for $2,225,000 in December.
The final case was a personal injury settlement. In this incident, settled for $1.3 million, a man suffered a brain injury when he was walking to retrieve his truck at a service station when an employee backed out of a service bay at a high rate of speed, striking him. The victim is currently confined to a nursing home.
When you have suffered injury at the hands of another in Atlanta, you have legal rights that are important to be aware of. Call our office today to arrange your case evaluation and learn more about your options.