If you live in Atlanta, you have a reasonable expectation that the properties you visit will be safe and free of hazard. When you sustain an injury on someone’s property due to poor maintenance or foreseeable dangers, you have the legal option to file a lawsuit seeking damages for your injuries. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills and more.

It’s important to understand that not every accident on someone’s property will result in a lawsuit. There must have been some type of negligence on the part of the property owner. This means that the owner or manager must have been aware of a hazard and, in turn, the hazard is what caused the accident.

There are several personal injury cases that are classified as premises liability, including:

  • Dog bites
  • Slips and falls
  • Inadequate maintenance
  • Security negligence
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Toxic fumes
  • Flooding and water leaks

These, of course, are only a few examples of the types of cases that may be filed under premises liability. If you have been injured on someone’s property in Atlanta, reach out to an experienced attorney to discuss your case. An attorney can help a victim determine if there accident was just that, or if their incident meets the necessary elements for a successful lawsuit. When a property owner is found to have been negligent in maintaining their property, they can be held legally liable to provide compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other types of damages.