Injury Attorney Riverdale FAQ’S

FAQ’s for an Injury Attorney Riverdale:

What Is The Personal Injury Statute of Limitations in Georgia?

In general, Georgia law provides that the statute of limitations for personal injury actions is two years. What does this mean? An injured person must file his lawsuit no later than two years after the date of the negligent act for which he is bringing suit. For example, if one is in a car or trucking collision on July 1, the injured person must bring suit no later than July 1, two years later.

What is a Loss of Consortium Claim in a Georgia Personal Injury Action?

In Georgia, a spouse is entitled to seek damages for injuries suffered by other spouse if such injuries interfere with the marital relationship. These damages seek to compensate the spouse for his or her loss of consortium. The law accounts for the fact that in addition to marital relations, husbands and wives share household duties, errands, chores, etc. If one spouse is severely injured and cannot perform some, or any, of these tasks, the other spouse may seek compensation for this lack of support and increased burden. Georgia law mandates that actions for loss of consortium must be brought within four years of the date of injury to the other spouse.

What Happens When Someone is Killed in a Georgia Auto or Trucking Wreck-Who Files Suit?

If a negligent act or accident caused a wrongful death, the representative of the decedent’s estate is the person legally allowed to bring suit on behalf of the decedent for medical bills, funeral bills, and pain/suffering. This person is usually known as the Administrator or Executor of the estate. The decedent’s family members (first, a spouse and if none, the children) are usually the ones who bring suit for the wrongful death portion of the lawsuit, which allows recovery for the “full value of the life of the decedent.” Often, the representative of the estate is the decedent’s spouse or one of his/her children.

How Do I select a Riverdale Injury Lawyer?

The most important tool one can use in selecting a lawyer is common sense. Do not hire a lawyer because you saw him on a commercial, on a billboard, or because he sent a shiny pamphlet to your house. Also, be skeptical of lawyers who make promises regarding specific monetary results. Experienced and knowledge attorneys know that, in most cases, it is almost impossible to predict exactly what a claim is worth. Case value depends upon numerous factors which must be assessed in a detailed, methodical way. Unfortunately, many lawyers make promises they cannot keep in an effort to secure business from clients. When deciding upon a Georgia personal injury lawyer to handle a serious matter, ask him:

  • What areas of injury law does your practice focus on?
  • When was the last time you personally handled a serious injury or death case?
  • Will you be the lawyer working on my case or will you refer it to another lawyer?
  • How many similar cases have you handled?
  • What is your plan for my case, both pre-suit and if we have to file my case?
  • Can I have the names of at least three prior clients for references?
  • Have you been nominated for honors by your peers?
  • How many cases do you handle at one time?

Contact your Injury Attorney Riverdale today!